Medical accidents
Victims of medical accidents or medical errors face many obstacles in their quest for recognition and compensation. Health institutions and practitioners are often reluctant to admit their mistakes. Furthermore, victims must deal with a complex liability system that only legal practitioners can handle.
Victims need to be assisted by a medical advisor with competence in medical liability to defend their rights efficiently. Medical experts are often hesitant to take a stand against healthcare professionals or establishments, so good support is essential.
The legal process is long and complicated, and it can take years to resolve. Several parties are involved throughout the process, so victims need to be prepared for this situation.
Moreover, the emotional and psychological traumatism caused by a medical accident or error and the process of obtaining compensation should not be underestimated. Victims often experience difficult conditions that affect their well-being. This is why it is crucial that they are supported throughout the process.
It is imperative that victims of medical accidents or errors be assisted by a lawyer competent in medical liability law. Hiring a lawyer like LAETHEM LAUCOIN BOUR Avocats members has several important benefits.
The role of LAETHEM LAUCOIN BOUR Avocats
LAETHEM LAUCOIN BOUR Avocats has the forensic expertise required to analyze the case efficiently. The firm’s lawyers meticulously prepare the medical records and defend the victim’s interests to the best of their ability during medical assessments and proceedings. All the firm’s lawyers are trained in health law and medical litigation. They help to establish medical malpractice and prepare the victim for medical assessments. Finally, they ensure that all losses are correctly evaluated and compensated.
The firm is fully conversant with the subtleties of medical law and the specific procedures involving the ONIAM or the Commissions de Conciliation et d’Indemnisation des Accidents Médicaux, des Affections Iatrogènes et des Infections Nosocomiales (CCI). Depending on the status of the establishment being sued, they also know how to act before the judicial and administrative courts.
Our lawyers rely on a network of trusted medical advisors with whom they work regularly. This strengthens the victim’s case and maximizes the chances of obtaining fair and equitable compensation.