LAETHEM LAUCOIN BOUR Avocats always proposes an initial information appointment with one of its lawyers, either at the office or by telephone.
This appointment enables victims to receive rapid advice from one of the firm’s lawyers on the options available to them and to be informed of the various stages of the appropriate compensation procedure to be followed.
To ensure that victims are not hindered in their rights by financial constraints, this initial meeting is never charged and does not commit the victim or the firm to pursue the planned procedure together.
Fees are discussed at this first meeting in full transparency, clearly, and in detail. They are then the subject of a written fee agreement setting out the terms and conditions of the firm’s involvement and remuneration.
The fees offered by the firm consist of:
- A lump sum fee is determined according to the nature, complexity, and specific features of the case, as well as each victim’s personal, professional, and financial situation.
- A contingency fee: a percentage applied to the compensation received by the victim as a result of the work carried out by the firm during the proceedings.
This method of remuneration means that all victims who need the assistance of one of the firm’s lawyers can benefit immediately without having to worry about the cost.
By the provisions of Articles L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, you may, in the event of a dispute, have free recourse to the Consumer Mediator at the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB), whose contact details are as follows: CNB, Médiateur à la consommation, 180 boulevard Haussmann – 75008 PARIS.