Criminal offenses
Victims of criminal offenses face many difficulties resulting from the traumatic experiences they have endured. They may suffer physical health problems caused by their injuries, but also psychological effects. These consequences include PTSD, depression, anxiety, and loss of self-esteem.
In terms of relationships and social relations, victims often find it difficult to trust others. They may also have difficulty maintaining intimate relationships and functioning normally at work or in their daily lives. They also face obstacles in their search for support and justice. This results from social stigmatization, fear of not being believed or of reprisals, and the challenges associated with judicial procedures.
Victims of criminal offenses have the right to take their case to court and to obtain compensation for the damages they have suffered. This applies whether the perpetrator is known or solvent. Beyond the recognition of their status as victims before the criminal courts and the sentencing of the perpetrator, it is necessary to obtain acknowledgement of the injuries they have suffered. In this context, the lawyer’s role is crucial throughout the legal proceedings.
Drawing on its solid training in criminal science, criminal law, and criminal procedure, as well as its practical experience, LAETHEM LAUCOIN BOUR Avocats assists and supports victims of criminal offenses from the moment they complain. It helps them gather evidence and testimony, prepares them for confrontations and hearings, and defends their rights.
Its lawyers use their legal expertise to counter defense strategies. They ensure that all the losses suffered are considered and argue for fair and total compensation, both before the criminal courts and before the Commission d’Indemnisation des Victimes d’infractions, which intervenes when the perpetrator is unknown or not solvent.
In addition to the legal aspect, LAETHEM LAUCOIN BOUR Avocats offers extensive psychological support. This support helps victims express themselves and overcome the various trials of criminal and compensation proceedings. Our support is as technical as it is human throughout the proceedings.
If you are the victim of a criminal offence, it is essential to consult a competent lawyer who can guide you through this difficult ordeal. Do not hesitate to contact LAETHEM LAUCOIN BOUR for complete assistance.